Tuesday 2 April 2013

Hanoi, Vietnam越南河内:Spring Blossoms 春花朵朵



Spring Blossoms

The reddish spring blossoms adorn,
atop the busy traffic,
bloom in the warmth ,
as spring steps into the bustling streets.



Because of a few movies and a musical "Miss Saigon" I have decided to go to Vietnam, to find traces of the tragic Vietnam war and the refugees. 


第一天 :河内

马航飞机在1210分准时到达河内机场。顺利过了海关后去拿行李。那里的行李输送机好厉害,行李从下面上来时还会停下感应前面在行走的行李,上来的行李像过马路的人,确定前面没有别的行李时才跌落下来。可是我在那里等得好久都不见我的行李。最后好像没有行李再上来了,我有点焦急。后来工作人员走下去,不久又有行李上来了。一定是有行李在下面卡着。最后我的行李终于来了。拿了行李,走出关口,一位年轻小伙子拿着写有我名字的卡片。他是来接我去旅店的。一个小时后我到达我的旅店,‘皇家皇宫旅店Royal  Palace, 66美元)。旅店还不错,柜台负责人是代班的,很多事都不懂,连地图在哪里都不知道。房间很美,也很清洁。里面还有电视和电脑。准备好了,我下去柜台。没有地图,他给我柜台上的名片,后面有地图。他告诉我去湖边只要10分钟。走出大路,拐左,再拐右,然后直走就是湖边了。

路上好多电单车,行人绿灯亮了他们还是照走,在斑马线也不停下来。真糟糕。还好河内气候较低,28度,不会热。走了不久,看到湖边了。那是还剑湖(Hoan Kiem Lake)。那里风景还不错,使我想起福州的西湖。有一条美丽的红桥连接湖岸和一个小岛。岛上是一间庙, 名叫玉山寺(Nhoc  Son Temple)。我向右直去,那里是个公园,有好多花的装饰,也有美丽的雕塑。走到街尾,还是没看到游客中心,直觉告诉我应该走错了。找个学生妹问问,真的走错了,应该向左走。游客中心面对湖,其实不难找,是我没注意到。



Day 1: Hanoi

       Malaysia Airlines arrived at Hanoi airport at 12.30 pm. After collecting my luggage, I was taken to my hotel, Royal  Palace(66 USD per night), by the hotel pick-up. It took an hour's journey. The hotel was clean and comfortable, and it is 10 minutes' walk to Hoan Kiem Lake.

‘皇家皇宫旅店 Royal  Palace

The roads in Hanoi are full of motorcyles which literallily go helter-skelter,disregarding the traffic lights. Luckily the weather was then balmy with a temperature of 28 degree.After 10 minutes, I arrived at Hoan Kiem Lake. It reminded me of the West Lake of Fuzhou. There is a beautiful red bridge joining the bank to an island where Nhoc  Son Temple is located. Before strolling the vicinity I hopped into the tourist centre nearby and arranged for the succeeding day tours :
Tam Coc : 37 USD    ,   Halong Bay : 285USD - 2 days 1 night   ,   Perfume Pagoda (private tour with a guide) : 158USD (Due to Chinese New Year, there was additional charge )
After settling my day tours, I went to the nearby building  to book the Water Puppet Show for the night. But it was sold out for that day. I booked the 9.10 pm show for the next day. The ticket cost 100,000VND (about 15 ringgit ). Then I crossed the bridge to Nhoc  Son Temple. I was thrilled by the unusual fruit and the charming flowers there.

Water Puppet Theatre              The Tourist Centre旅客中心


第七天: 河内

从顺化,越南航空9.30到达河内机场。河内气候转凉,个个都穿毛衣。拿了行李,去搭机场迷你巴士,今天的价钱是50000盾,不是40000盾。11.30抵达越南航空的前面。到了旅店后,打算游旧城区。我从湖边开始,湖边的人物雕塑已经开幕了,有三个人物,很美。再从水上木偶那里走起直到东门。发现这里的房屋没有挂红彩,而是挂国旗。还有这里的男士拜年都穿大衣。再从东门走Quan Su路,然后转右去列宁公园(Lenin Park)。从那里我走去胡志明陵墓。半路看到马来西亚大使馆,建筑很漂亮,正想拍照时,门口的保安不准我拍,我告诉他我是马来西亚人,他才让我拍。来到胡志明陵墓,不能进去看。有人在那里上香。从胡志明陵墓我去皇城(Citadel)。那里环境幽美,还有盆栽展。皇城附近有个旗塔,美得很,我好喜欢。从这里回去越南航空,转左回去旅店。半路上有间教堂名叫河内大教堂,建筑不错。从这里我结束行程

Day 7:Hanoi

From Hue, Vietnam Airlines arrived at Hanoi airport at 9.30 am. From there I took a mini bus to the city centre (costing me 50,000VND, additional of 10,000VND due to Chinese New Year ).After checking-in the hotel, I walked to the lake. From the water puppet theatre I walked to the old streets of Hanoi. From there I  went back to Quan Su Street.,then  turned right to Lenin Park and Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. I also went to the beautiful Citadel, overlooking the Flag Tower which stands majestically in the vicinity. On the way back to the hotel, I saw The Hanoi Cathedral. 



早上很早起来。7点出门去找文庙。到了那里文庙还没开。在围墙外拍照。然后去附近的公园看看,那里有人做晨运。从那里,打算去找一柱宝塔(One Pillar Pagoda)。



Day 11: Hanoi

At 7.00 am, I went to The Temple of Literature. From there I went to Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum again in search of The One Pillar Pagoda which I missed the other day. Tucked behind a temple, this pagoda which stands on a single pillar is a sight to behold. I love it.
After checking out of the hotel, I walked to the airport mini bus station, taking the 9 am bus to the airport, ready for my homeward bound.

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